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Indeed, when the company develops to a certain stage, if we want to achieve sustainable development in the competitive market, the company must have a correct strategy, good organizational management ability, and a team of professional ethics, and talents are undoubtedly the basis for the development of the entire company.
Choose good talent training, through the division of labor and coordination of excellent teams, productive market strategy implementation, the company can develop healthily. As a leading domestic adhesive product supplier, Yihongshen's human resources training is mainly aimed at R&D personnel, customer service personnel, and market personnel. In 2008, the company formally cooperated with internationally renowned human resources companies to formulate a scientific talent quality model. By clarifying the requirements of the company's strategy for human talents, Yihongshen selected talents who can promote the company's strategic development in talent recruitment. Yihongshen generally implements a three-phase training plan for incoming employees:
Career planning
For new recruits, the company will conduct different skills and cultural training according to the characteristics of the position. The human resources department issues standardized institutional procedures, organizes professional lecturer teams, and develops targeted courses to train new employees in all aspects of basic knowledge, product knowledge, professional modeling, and corporate culture.
With the basic job skills and career direction, the company will initially plan the personal career development plan based on the individual's ambition and ability trends in the work. For R&D personnel, Yihongshen provided technical experts and technical executives with a dual-channel development path. Technical experts focus on technology development and innovation to solve technical problems; Technical executives are good at grasping the direction of the project and product planning, leading the team to complete the development task; Similarly, for customer service personnel, market personnel, Yihongshen also provided business direction, management direction two kinds of talent training direction.  
The business work will be broken down into three points: core quality, professional post quality, and leadership quality, and different training methods will be applied to suitable people. For example, through the mentoring system, the same type of talents are trained to quickly improve. For the talents who focus on the technical route, the company has continuously strengthened the position ability and pride of achievement of the skilled talents through systematic technical training, practical project experience accumulation, and learning among skilled talents. For the talents who take the technical management line, after accumulating considerable technical capabilities, the company will train them to lead the R&D team, lead the operation of the project, communicate with customers and market colleagues, and accumulate their ability to control projects and products. To improve his leadership.
The above career development plan is not immutable. Through the closed-loop process of selecting talents, training, appointing, using, and improving education, companies and individuals constantly adjust the direction of career development, allowing companies and individuals to choose the best development path.